
January 4, 2020

NLAPW Denver Branch

January 4, 2020


  1. President, Diane Chambers, called the meeting to order at 10:00 am.II
  2. Guests, Elaine Harding and Shara Oliman were introduced.
  3. Diane read an inspirational piece by Elizabeth Gilbert on how to shake off failure of a project in order to keep living a creative life. The key is to “forget about the last project, and go searching with an open heart for the next one.”
  4. Approval of the minutes and treasurer’s report were postponed until the next meeting due to secretary/treasurer, Kelly Ann Compton, being out sick.
  5. For committee reports:
    1. Budget: Kay Taylor reported that she will work on a budget to report on at our next meeting.
    2. Website: Diane reminded everyone to make sure to get their bios and photos to Virginia Small to post on our website.
    3. Membership, Diane was pleased to announce that our two guests today, both found out about our organization by on-line searches, which shows that we are visible and people are finding their way to us, as well as by way of word of mouth.
    4. Diane announced that the position of Historian is vacant, and asked if someone would volunteer to take photos. Ray volunteered.
    5. Tapestry Contest: Diane reported that the tapestry contest is underway, although Ruthy was not present to report as to what kind of response she has received so far.
    6. Programs: February program will be by Larry Yoder. March will feature a workshop by Aexandra O’Connell, and April will be our Guest Critique.
  6. Old Business: Ray Cober gave an update on his grant search including deadlines. The Chinook Fund is one we will apply for. Ray asked for assistance with writing the grant. Andrea and Diane volunteered.
  7. New Business: Diane reported that the National Organization achieved raising over $25,000, and was awarded with a matching grant of $25,000 by the McGrath Family Trust. Also, of significance is the announcement by president Evelyn Wofford, that our organization is finally gaining more members than we are losing. Diane reminded everyone to vote in the election for the National officers.
  8. Announcements: Karen Gonzalez announced the Denver Women’s Press Club Unknown Writer’s Contest.
  9. Meeting adjourned at 10:50. Presentation on critiquing was by Sally Stitch.

Respectfully Submitted, by Ray Cober, and Diane Chambers

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