March 2, 2024

NLAPW—Denver Branch Minutes

  1. Linda called the meeting to order at 9:34 a.m.
  2. Members Present: Karen Gonzales, Linda Volin, Carol Ehrlich, Rachel Seakamp, Diane Chambers, Andrea Antico, Sue Luxa, Eleanor Binnings, Kelly Ann Compton
  3. Inspirational Reading: Andrea read poems by Robert Frost, Emily Dickenson, and Langston Hughes about home.
  4. The February Minutes were approved.
  5. Treasurer Report: Our current balance is $589.44. The treasurer report was approved.
  6. Committee Reports:
    1. Membership—Diane reported that there haven’t been as many responses from Colorado Café since the end of the pandemic.
    2. Election nominations—Rachel has received twelve responses.
    3. Zoom—No Report
    4. Critique Group—Rachel has joined the group.
    5. Historian—Sue hasn’t received the historical items yet.
    6. Webmistress—National offered Virginia a 1930s poster for the Denver Branch.
      1. Some programs on the site were updated, some unneeded ones were deleted.
      2. Old newsletters were moved to the archives page.
      3. The site seems to be running a little slowly. This may be due to issues with the web host. Otherwise, the site is running properly.
    7. Programs—
      1. April: Irene Blea will discuss integrating diversity in writing.
      2. May: TBD
      3. June: Guest Critique at Manchester
      4. July: No meeting
      5. August: Manuel Ramos on writing mysteries
  7. New Business—
    1. It is time to vote for officers of both the national office and our Denver Branch.
    2. The NLAPW Biennial takes place April 26–28.
    3. NLAPW online events occur at 9:00 a.m. Denver time on the second Wednesday each month.
  8. Old Business—
    1. Sue shared that our branch will be able to participate in an event this fall at Windcrest.
    2. Tapestry for Peace—
      1. Placing the remaining three sections of the Tapestry for Peace has been a bit off the radar lately.
      2. Karen Gladstone had some ideas for places who might be interested in a tapestry section.
      3. Linda will speak with National about them, or another branch to take one.
      4. Sue will check with Windcrest to see if they would like a tapestry section.
    3. Diane spoke of the possibility of holding an author event at Copper Door, a coffee shop in Aspen Grove. They have a nice patio we could hold the event at.
    4. Andrea suggested selling books at King Soopers. She will gather information about it and share it with our branch members.
  9. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.

After the business meeting, a practice guest critique session was held.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Ann Compton


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