
February 1, 2020

National League of American Pen Women—Denver Branch

2-1-20 Minutes

  1. Diane called the meeting to order at 10:23.
  2. Members in attendance were: Diane Chambers, Cindy Massey, Kay Taylor, Ann Klaiman, Ray Cobin, Atlanta Sheridan, Beverly Chico, Andrea Antico, Carol Erhlich, and Kelly Ann Compton
  3. Guest in attendance: Linda Volin
  4. The January Minutes were approved.
  5. The January Treasurer Report was approved. Our current balance is $815.47.
  6. Committee Reports
    1. Budget: Kay shared a proposed budget
    2. Website: Please make sure that up-to-date information about your self is given to Virginia
    3. Membership: We have one person interested in joining.
    4. Outreach, Tapestry: The contest is in progress, but there has not been a lot of response as of yet. Diane will send out more e-mails.
    5. Programs:
      1. Today Larry Yoder will speak on the bookstore industry.
      2. March 7, Alexandra O’Connell will present a workshop on “Tips to Improve Your Writing”
      3. April 4 will be our Guest Critique.
      4. May 2nd: TBA—Dr. Kara Taczak possible presentation on the mechanics of writing.
  7. Old Business:
    1. Ray shared that with the proposed budget, he can now move forward with grant writing.
    2. Poor Richards Book Shoppe—Let Ray know if you are interested in participating in an author event at the Book Shoppe which will be held toward the end of May. Diane asked that she be given a date and time for the event.
  8. New Business:
    1. Elections: Cindy volunteered to be the person to poll members regarding nominations for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer in our branch.
    2. Need volunteers to write reviews of the newest books of our members. Carol reviewed Andrea’s book; Ann will review Carol’s book.
    3. Need volunteers for Guest Critique jobs: The flyer designed, printed/distributed; organize drinks/room/lunch orders. Diane asked if members would be willing to pay a couple of extra dollars for their lunches to help cover the guests’ lunch costs. Everyone said they would. Here are the volunteers so far: Andrea=room; Kelly Ann=lunch; Atlanta=printing flyers; Kelly Ann or Atlanta will get a digital copy of the old flyer from Virginia.
  9. Announcements:
    1. Beverly: Will be moving to Washington DC
    2. Carol: Finished her poetry book and it is in the process of being published

After the meeting, Larry Yoder of The Bookies bookstore spoke about the current status of the publishing industry and how bookstores work in regard to getting books to sell.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Ann Compton, Secretary

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