January 2012

NLAPW-Denver Branch 1/7/2012 Minutes

I. President Diane Chambers, called the meeting to order at 10:14.

II. Members in attendance were: Andrea Antico, Diane Chambers, Kelly Ann Compton, Joice Fairchild, Ann Klaiman, Nancy Peterson, Lorrie Reed, Gwen Scott, Shirley Ann Sheets and Sheila Wright.

III. No guests were present.

IV. Lorrie Reed read an inspirational reading on peace.

V. The December 2011 minutes were approved as written.

VI. Treasurer Gwen Scott reported “no action” in our account for December. Our balance remains $1941.95. We will pay Dr. Patricia Ross, today’s speaker.

VII. Committee Report:
• Tapestry for Peace–
•Joice’s article about the tapestry for SCIENCE OF THE MIND
MAGAZINE should be in their next issue.
•Joice and a friend will pick up the final panel in Florida. While there, Joice will
interview the NLAPW members who were involved in making the panel.
•At the NLAPW Biennial in April, Joice is scheduled to show the first video
version of the documentary she is making on the Tapestry for Peace. While there, Joice will interview many of the people who participated in creating
panels for the tapestry.

VIII. Outreach Projects:
•Bessie’s Hope: Kelly and Ann reported a successful and fun time at St. Andrew’s Village running a writing workshop. They worked on both autographical writing and acrostic poems with a group of eight seniors. Their next venture will be later in January.

•Place Bridge Academy: Andrea will begin volunteering with Place on January 19th. She will work one day a month. Gwen has offered to volunteer two days a month, but has not heard back from the school. They will be working on writing.

•March 3rd Guest Critique: Diane reported for Kriss that OLLI (DU) will do some advertising for this. We need flyers to send to Denver Public Library and someone to deliver them. We need a place to hold the critiques. Shirley’s house may be an option. She will let us know at a later date. Lunch will be served after the critiques. Kriss prefers a set menu to potluck and would like some help in the preparation/planning.

IX. Old business: We need a new historian as Sue Luxa is not able to continue this endeavor.

X. New Business:

• Due to back surgery, Nancy Peterson has had to withdraw as our speaker for February. After much discussion, it was decided that Kelly Ann Compton will be the speaker instead. She will share a bit of her life journey and the writing and publication of her book Discombobulated. The meeting will be held in Kelly’s home.

• Speaker/Activity Schedule for the rest of this year:
• February – Kelly Ann Compton
• March – Guest Critique to be held at either Shirley Sheets or Sheila Wright’s home
• April and May – Currently under discussion– Possibilities include author Carol Denker, a field trip to the Denver Public Library Western History section, and Nancy Peterson.
• June – Planning meeting

XI. Announcements:
• Diane gave information regarding the 2012 the NLAPW Biennial Letters Contest for
unpublished works.

• Elections will take place at the March meeting.

• Our April pre-meeting critique will be on Joice’s Tapestry for Peace DVD.

• Our February 4th meeting will be held at Kelly Compton’s house. The meeting will be
followed with a soup and sandwich luncheon. Kelly will provide the soup; everyone is to
bring her own sandwich.

• With the poem we critiqued in November, Ann won first place in the 2nd Quarterly
Contest of The Poetry Society of Colorado. Congrats Ann!

• Please contact Kelly Ann if you would like to have something critiqued before one of our

XII. The meeting was adjourned at 10:58.

The meeting was followed by an energizing and informative presentation by Dr. Patricia Ross of Hugo House in Englewood, CO.

Respectfully submitted,
Kelly Ann Compton, Secretary

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