September 8, 2018

National League of American Pen Women—Denver Branch
September 8, 2018

I. Diane called the meeting to order at 10:12 am
II. Members Present: Atlanta Sheridan, Cathy Wield, Ray Cober, Virginia Small, Diane Chambers, Kelly Ann Compton
III. Guest Present: Cindy Massey
IV. Inspirational Reading: Ray shared a quote from an online blog
V. Approval of Minutes: No report
VI. Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s report for August was approved. Our current balance is $1184.29
VII. Committee Reports
a. Website: Diane said the website looks beautiful. Virginia is still working on improvements to the site, but all is good.
b. Membership: Alex plans on joining. Another person is interested in coming to see what we are about. We have two tables booked at the Windsor Garden craft and arts fair. We are waiting to be approved. Cathy will let us know. The two tables cost $50. Cathy does not have a receipt yet. We need a complete list of what we are going to sell at our tables. Friday and Saturday of November 15 & 16. Tables must be set up the Thursday evening before. This is an outreach to get our name out there & participate in the community, and so we can get our individual names “out there.” Cathy will send out an e-mail to let people know and to figure out what we are going to sell. Kelly needs to renew our sales tax license.
c. Tapestry: Our next step is to contact Colorado Schools (Especially Denver and Jefferson County); we need another letter to get going on this; We need to decide who we are going to offer the contest to. Denver Metro area would include quite a few school districts. We need to alter the original IB letter we sent out before. We need to get a committee together to work on this. Diane will send out an e-mail to the branch asking for volunteers on the committee and she will also contact Ruthy.
d. Programs: October is supposed to be our panel for social media. Diane will e-mail Ruthy, Cathy will contact a friend to possibly be on the panel or simply be our speaker.
e. Budget: No Report
VIII. Old Business:
a. We need a historian and a publicity person. Neither one of these positions have to be a member of the national organization, they can be provisional members. Publicity will work with both membership and the website.
b. Diane presented a NLAPW webinar workshop called “Wired for Creativity.” It costs $20. “Why right brained creatives are in such demand now.” It looks like a good opportunity for continued learning.
IX. New Business: No new business
X. Announcements:
a. Virginia was contacted by a student in the UK who had discovered her website on albinism and they have been talking. He is working on a paper on albinism. Ray is interested in finding out how the UK student goes about his research/ his research process. Possible being a “virtual presenter” on research for our Pen Women group. is Virginia’s website on albinism.
b. Cathy has an article being considered for publication in Sojourner’s Magazine.
XI. Meeting adjourned 11:05 am

After the meeting, we held one critique and one round table discussion.

Respectfully Submitted,
Kelly Ann Compton, Secretary

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