October 2, 2021

National League of American Pen Women—Denver Branch Minutes

October 2, 2021

  1. Diane called the meeting to order at 9:40 AM. The meeting took place via Zoom.
  2. Members in attendance: Diane Chambers, Atlanta Sheridan, Linda Volin, Ray Cober, Karen Gonzales, Andrea Antico, Eleanor Binnings, Adrianna Voss, Kelly Ann Compton
  3. Guest in attendance: Pria Acharya
  4. Inspirational Reading: Andrea read “Magic & Mindfulness of October” From Positivelypresent.com by Dani DiPirro
  5. The September minutes were approved.
  6. The Treasurer’s Report was approved.
  7. Committee Reports:
    1. Website: The website is running smoothly.
    2. Historian: This position is open.
    3. Membership: A woman from Palisades would like to become a member of NLAPW and our Denver Branch. Karen and Adrianna have submitted applications to move from being provisional members to Active members in the National League of American Pen Women.
    4. Budget: Kay’s report said that only is to remove the $50 for flyers for our Guest Critique. Our Net Income was -$400.00. Approval of the budget was postponed until our next meeting.
    5. Membership: Diane stated that about four people are interesting in coming and one person is interested in joining. Diane has been advertising our meetings via ColoradoWritersCafe.com
    6. Tapestry for Peace: We still have four panels left to give away. One suggestion was to contact Pikes Peak Community College to see if they would be interested in one of the panels.
    7. Programs: October 6 — Patricia L Brooks; November 6— Dani Alcorn; December 4—Holiday Party; January 8 —Open. Let Diane or Karen know if you have ideas.
  8. Old Business: Linda updated the group on her book, Sue Luxa is working on the cover, Julianna is writing a historical article for the interview book.
  9. New Business: The National organization shared that there have been 54 new members over the last year. They also said that applications are coming in for the Mature Women grants. The Biennial is coming up and the competitions associated with the biennial are opening up. The Pen Arts Building will be open for an all night art walk.
  10. Our Intensive Critique Group has a few openings available. Contact Atlanta if interested.
  11. Announcements: Diane’s son and daughter-in-law are now on an adoption list; Kelly Ann has written and produced her first pop-up book. Atlanta suggested that she present it in December. Karen will be a presenter at a library today.
  12. Diane adjourned the meeting at 10:15 AM.

After the business meeting, Patricia L. Brooks made a presentation on “Marketing Made Simple.”

Respectfully Submitted,

Kelly Ann Compton


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