September 3, 2022

NLAPW Denver Branch

September 3, 2022


I. Linda called the meeting to order at 9:37 AM.

II. Members in attendance: Atlanta Sheridan, Andrea Antico, Eleanor Binnings, Carol Ehrlich, Karen Gonzales, Ray Cober, Linda Volin, Kelly Ann Compton, Cindy Massey (Presentation only)

III. Guests in attendance: Sara Frances, Aleta Kazadi, Aurora Umana-Arko, Dan Miller

IV. Linda asked and received permission to record Dan Miller’s presentation on copyright after the business meeting.

V. Inspirational reading: Andrea share several quotes regarding copyright from Mark Twain, Leo Buscaglia, Patrick Leahy, Michael Moore, Garth Brooks, Mark Hucknail, and David Shields.

VI. The August Minutes were approved.

VII. The August Treasurer Report was approved.

VIII. Committee Reports:

a. Website: Our web mistress reports that everything needing an update has been updated. The website is running well.

b. Membership: Aurora Umana-Arko is awaiting approval for membership from National and Aleta Kazadi is working on putting together her application.

c. Historian: No report.

d. Zoom Mistress: Renewal of Zoom use is coming up.

e. Outreach: Ray will be checking with Wings of the Rockies and Aurora History Museum to see if they have an interest in having one of the tapestry panels. Karen checked with the school she was looking into, and they won’t be doing any decorating of the walls this year.

f. Critique Group: Eleanor is taking a leadership role of the group.

g. Programs:

i. September: Dan Miller on “Copyright Basics, Rights and Permissions”

ii. October: Kit West on flash fiction and prose poetry

iii. November: TBD

iv. December: Everyone will share what they have written in regard to the writing challenge. (Each person will choose an author to emulate and write a short piece in the style of that author.)

IX. Old Business:

a. The project of writing in the style of a favorite author was discussed. These writings will be shared in our December meeting.

b. Eleanor, Ray, and Linda attended one of the online meetings for NLAPW.

X. New Business: None

XI. Announcements: Linda received a copy of a poem from National that was written by our own Carol Ehrlich. Her poem was the featured poem of the month on the NLAPW website.

XII. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05

After the meeting, Dan Miller gave an information-filled presentation on copyright laws.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kelly Ann Compton


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