September, 2013

National League of American Pen Women–Denver Branch
Meeting Minutes
September 7, 2013

I. Diane Chambers called the meeting to order at 10:20 AM.
II. Members in attendance were: Sophia Baldwin, Diane Chambers, Erika Christiansen, Kelly Ann Compton, Vickie Drake, Florence Elliott, Jody Hinrichs, Pat Kennedy, A. Marie Kriss, Juanita Pope, Lorrie Reed, Mollie Rue, Gwen Scott, Virginia Small, Ruthy Wexler, and Sheila Wright.
III. Lorrie read the Inspirational Reading; it was about the unseen singer.
IV. Guests in attendance were: Linda Fillingim, Cindy Charlton, Juli Gage-Macdonald, Mary J. Marcus, and Jeannette Holtham.
V. The August Minutes were approved as written.
VI. The August Treasurer’s Report was accepted. Our current balance is $2,579.44.

meeting in the library
The Southglenn Library

VII. Committee Reports:
A. Website: Virginia reminded the new members to send her a picture and bio for the website. National has a page on Facebook. Virginia says we are linked to it.
B. Membership, Auditor, Budget:
1. The budget was approved
2. For the Guest Critiques in March, 2014 we will have a planned potluck. Kriss will plan the menu and members will sign up to bring the different items.
3. Joining the Festival Network Organization was discussed and agreed upon. Ruthy will sign up and our branch will pay half.
4. There was nothing new to report on membership.
C. Programs:
1. October—Author Phil Goodstein will speak.
2. November—Sophia will present on her book, A Lebanese Immigrant’s Daughter.
3. December—Holiday party, book exchange, and pot luck at Gwen Scott’s house.
4. January or February–Kathryn Winograd from the creative writing department at ACC will speak on publishing or will do a workshop on Lyric Essay. Many people were interested in the Lyric Essay workshop.
5. March–Guest Critiques
6. April & May — TBA
7. June–Planning meeting
VIII. Outreach Project Updates
A. Bessie’s Hope: No report.
B. Artists’ Fairs:
A. Ann Klaiman has taken charge of getting us organized for the Dakota Ridge craft fair.

IX. Old Business:
A. The Tapestry for Peace has been moved from Joice’s. Joice agrees with the committee’s proposal that we will pay for transportation and insurance to get the tapestry to its new home wherever that may end up being. Repairs need to be done to the tapestry. The question at hand was do we do the repairs or let the receivers of the tapestry take care of the repairs. It was agreed that it would be best to do the repairs in advance. Kelly Ann offered to do the necessary stitching. A woman from the group that did the panel in oils has volunteered to repair that panel. It was suggested that we check with quilting groups to find space for the repairs.
X. New Business:
A. The 8 week Intensive Critique Group was a success.
B. It was decided that our branch will make a $50 donation to National’s Commemorative Endowment Fun.
XI. Branch Announcements:
C. The Website for the Castle Rock Writer’s Conference in November is up and accepting registration now.
D. Virginia invited our members to come to the Crone’s Council Picnic taking place this month.
XII. The meeting was adjourned at 11:10.

Panel of book authors
Panel of book authors


Today’s meeting was followed with a wonderful panel sharing their experiences in getting published. Members of the panel included: Ruthy Wexler, Gwen Scott, Vickie Drake, Jody Hinrichs, and Linda Fillingham with additional information on e-publishing by Mary J. Marcus. It was an excellent presentation!

Respectively submitted,
Kelly Ann Compton, Secretary


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