July 6, 2018

National League of American Pen Women—Denver Branch

7-6-18 Minutes

  1. Ruthy called the meeting to order at 10:00 am.
  2. Members in Attendance: Beverly Chico, Donna Clark, Kelly Ann Compton, Ruthy Wexler, Nancy Peterson, Virginia Small, Cathy Wield
  3. Inspirational Reading: The power of goodness. “Let’s all do something little, little good things” Mr. Rogers. “How sad it is that we give up on people who are just like us.” “Love isn’t an act of perfect caring, it is an active noun like struggle . . .”
  4. Introduction of Guests: Ray Cober, Nancy Mann
  5. Minutes: The April and May Minutes were approved; The June were tentatively approved as the notes from our planning meeting need to be added to them.
  6. Treasurer’s Report: No Treasurer’s Report
  7. Committee Reports:
    1. Web: Virginia will be revamping the website as the templates currently used are obsolete. The history page is up and running. Ray suggested that watermarks be put on pictures to help prevent/slow down theft.
    2. Membership: Cathy reported that Ray is becoming a Provisional Member of the Denver Branch. Other guests from our April Guest Critique may be applying for membership.
  8. Old Business: Matthew Taylor, does storytelling workshops will come in November. Mr. Taylor would like to be paid more than our normal $50 honorarium Compromise = $75; Have a panel on using social media, we each have a project and receive homework and have a follow-up meeting in January or February. October Social Media; November Matthew Taylor; January social media; February Image; March Virginia Campbell; April Guest Critique; May Meet with Pikes Peak Group. Ray dropped Wings over the Rockies; Anderson complex at DU is looking into allowing us to meet there on Saturdays (But parking would be an issue); Discussion about possible meeting places. Ray will look at asking for free parking privileges at DU; Cathy booked us for September 8 at Southglenn Library 9-1, 14 Max. people; In August we will meet at Eloise May.
  9. New Business: None
  10. Announcements:
    1. Karen Gonzales will have her story published in the summer issue of The Almagre Review.
    2. Cathy is in contact with publisher of her book, as the company is now being run by someone new, to bring price down on her book from about $30 to $9 per copy. She needs info on sales tax permits.
  11. The meeting adjourned at 11:04 am.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kelly Ann Compton, Secretary

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