February 4, 2017

National League of American Pen Women
Denver Branch

February 4, 2017 Minutes

I. Diane called the meeting to order at 10:15 am.

II. Members in Attendance: Andrea Antico, Diane Chambers, Donna Clark, Kelly Ann Compton, Ann Klaiman.

III. Inspirational Reading: Andrea read three Valentine’s poems by Joanne Fuchs.

IV. Minutes for January were unavailable for approval.

V. Treasurer’s Report was approved. Our current balance is $2405.11.

VI. Committee Reports:
a. Website: Diane will ask Virginia if the flyers for both the Painting Party and the Guest Critique are posted on our website.
b. Audit/Budget: No Report
c. Membership: (i) With Juanita’s withdrawal as Membership Chair, we currently have a small membership committee. Diane has agreed to take on the leadership role for Membership until April, but we will need a new chair at that time; (ii) Our current membership drives include our Painting Party in March and the Guest Critiques on April 8. The flyer for the Guest Critiques should be on the website. Kelly Ann will be in charge of the luncheon.
d. Tapestry for Peace: The contest entry deadline is April 30. We have eight tapestry panels left to award. It was suggested that we reach out to Denver School of the Arts and the International School of the Arts.
e. Poetry-to-Go: Ann reported that the Columbine Poets of Colorado are still doing the contest along with Lighthouse and the Poetry Association of Colorado. Ann asked if our Branch would consider donating money again this year. It was agreed that we would hold an e-mail vote regarding giving $120 this year. The $120 can represent the 120th anniversary of NLAPW. Kelly Ann will send an e-mail out for the voting.

VII. Old Business: No Old Business

VIII. New Business: (a) Virginia and Ruthy had flyers printed for the Guest Critique. Ann reminded us that everything that goes out from our branch, including the flyers, need to have our web address on them; (b) We asked the question of whether we should have a Facebook page for our branch. It was also suggested that we could set up links on our individual Facebook pages.

IX. Announcements: No Announcements.

X. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 pm

After the meeting, we created Valentine Cars for COP SHOP to distribute to law enforcement employees.

Respectfully submitted by

Kelly Ann Compton, Secretary

Making cards for local police
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