December, 2013

National League of American Pen Women–Denver Branch
Meeting Minutes
December 7, 2013

I. Diane Chambers called the meeting to order at 10:45 AM.
II. Members in attendance were: Andrea Antico, Sophia Baldwin, Diane Chambers, Beverly Chico, Erika Christiansen, Kelly Ann Compton, Ruthy Wexler Denker, Vickie Drake, Florence Elliott, Pat Kennedy, Ann Klaiman, A. Marie Kriss, Sue Luxa, Jo’el Roth, Gwen Scott, Virginia Small, and Sheila Wright.
III. An Inspirational Reading was read by Virginia.
IV. The November Minutes were approved as written.
V. The November Treasurer’s Report was accepted. Our current balance is $2,307.25.
VI. Committee Reports:
A. Website: Virginia has updated the website. We now have a new email address and a new e-mail contact form. The website is now mobile. Virginia has also added some anti-spam software. She is currently working on adding a slideshow of pictures to appear at the top of the web page.

B. Membership, Auditor, Budget: Two people are waiting until February 2014 to become members. Diane suggested writing a letter to Polly Letofsky, our wonderful speaker from last month, inviting her to become a member of our branch. It was decided that Diane and Kriss will write the letter together.
C. Tapestry for Peace: Kriss called the contact in Buffalo, NY telling them that if we do not have a definitive answer or offer from them about becoming a home for the tapestry that we will start looking elsewhere in January. Kriss did an internet search looking up peace museums and found Peace Museums of the World. She also looked up women’s Museums and found the Jane Addams Museum and the National Museum of Women in the Arts. Beverly said that the latter museum has very high standards for fine art and that our tapestry would most likely be considered a craft. Jo’el suggested that we take pictures of various panels and turn them into cards to sell as a fund raiser. This idea brought up the question of copyright.

1. January—Sophia will present on her book, A Lebanese Immigrant’s Daughter
2. February—Kathryn Winograd from the creative writing department at ACC will speak on publishing or will do a workshop on Lyric Essay.
3. March–Guest Critiques
4. April–Beverly Chico will present on her newly published book Hats and Headwear Around the World: A Cultural Encyclopedia
5. May–TBA. Ann will contact Nick Zelinger, a graphic designer, to see if he would be interested in presenting on “Building Your Image and Your Website.”
6. June–Planning meeting and potluck

Andrea in T shirt
VIII. Outreach Project Updates Fairs–Much discussion and enthusiasm for fairs occurred. Andrea suggested we look into retirement home fairs as a possible venue. Kelly Ann will forward the Fair Networking Organization (FNO) information from Ruthy to all members. With all the discussion, it was decided that in January, everyone interested should bring three fair ideas and we will choose which ones to do.
IX. Old Business:
A. Members who attended the Castlerock Writers Conference gave mixed reviews on the food, workshops and pitches. All agreed the keynote speaker was very good and that it was a good opportunity for networking. Overall, attendees said they would recommend it, especially for students.
B. A vote was held as to where to hold our meetings from January through May. The Eloise-May Library in Aurora won out over the Englewood Library due to room space and convenience of getting things in and out of the library.
C. Sheila reported that she went to the Tattered Cover and looked through anthologies as a start to our Denver Branch possibly publishing an anthology of our own. Some guidelines were discussed:
A. We should have a critique group for submissions to ensure the highest quality.
B. The book should have a timely theme.
C. Perhaps we could run a contest as they did in the Greenwich Branch.
D. We need to decide the top priorities of the book. To what purpose would we publish it?
E. Members of the committee will come to some conclusions by our January meeting. The committee members are: Sheila, Ann, Kelly Ann, Erika, and Ruthy.

X. New Business:
A. A big thank you to Lorrie Reed for her contribution to the hospitality fund.
B. We need a person to take over the hospitality role. Any volunteers? This person would bring the name tags and the coffee/tea makings each meeting. She might also find volunteers to bring snacks each month.
C. We will be having new bookmarks and brochures printed.
XI. Branch Announcements: Everyone with a poem published in the Greenwich Branch poetry book read her poem aloud. The members were: Sheila, Erika, Kelly Ann, Diane, and Ann. Ann and Kelly Ann also read Joice Fairchild’s included poetry as she was a member of our branch.
XII. The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 PM.


After the meeting, we enjoyed a holiday potluck with much delicious food and then a white elephant book exchange that definitely had some exciting moments! Thank you to Gwen Scott for opening her home to us for this celebration.

Respectively submitted,
Kelly Ann Compton, Secretary


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