May 1, 2021

Minutes of the Denver Branch of the National League of American Pen Women

May 1, 2021

Members Present: Ray Cober, Karen Gonzales, Kay Taylor, Diane Chambers, Adrianne Voss, Ann Klaiman, Andrea Antico, Linda Volin, Aimee Guerts, Julianna Adams, Laurel Becker, Carol Eldrich, Eleanor Binnings, Ann Marie Kriss, Sydney Popovich, Karen Gonzales, Sue Lexa, and Sue Scudder.

Diane opened the virtual meeting on Zoom at 9:38 am.

Inspirational Reading: Andrea read a quote on interviewing. It reminded us that we all need confidence and luck to succeed in an interview.

Introduction of Guests: No guests were present at this time.

Approval of Minutes: Ann moved to accept the minutes as written and Andrea seconded. The minutes were approved unanimously by the members.

Committee Reports:

Website: Virginia continues to do routine maintenance to the website and there are currently no problems with the site.

Treasurer’s Report: Kelly Ann was not present but she submitted the latest Treasurer’s reports via e-mail to the members. The balance as of April 30th was $179.32. Karen moved to accept the reports. Sydney seconded. Membership approved the reports.

Budget Report: Kay explained that during this fiscal year, May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021, there were two payments of $200, one in May of 2020, and the second in April of 2021. This looks as though the web mistress was paid twice in one year, instead of once, however, each payment is for the previous fiscal year, which runs from May 1 through April 30 of each year. The 2020 payment was for fiscal year 2019-20 and the 2021 payment was for fiscal year 2020-21. The web mistress says in the future she will invoice in May, so that this confusion will not happen again. The branch’s expenses would then be fees for Zoom, honorariums and dues to National. She noted that if all current provisional members and regular members pay their dues this year, dues collected would be about $1,500 of which the branch would keep roughly a third or $500. She concluded that the starting balance for June would be a little less than $700.

Membership: Diane reported that one person found the group through our website and might come to the next meeting.

Outreach: Diane reported that DSA is now open and that a date for delivery of the Tapestry panel has been set – May 11th. Andrea and Julianna volunteered to help Diane deliver the panel to the 3 student winners of the Peace Tapestry Contest at DSA. They will also bring cookies to the award ceremony.

Programs: In June we usually have a planning meeting and wear hats to honor a long time tradition. Diane asked the members if they would prefer to meet on Zoom and plan, or meet on Zoom and have a presentation and have a few members meet in person later to plan programs for this year. She said that Ray has a presentation on publishing he would like to give sometime in the near future. Members expressed interest in Ray’s presentation. A firm decision for the June meeting was not made. Diane said she would send out an email regarding the June meeting when the decision was made. Members should send any suggestions for future programming topics to Diane. There was some discussion about having Richard Riemer as a guest speaker to present on “How to get your audio book produced and published.” Laurel Becker informed the group that he had invited a group of authors to record themselves reading their books in his studio. She said the session was very interesting.

History: Aimee has sold her house and moved to North Dakota to be near her family. Diane asked if anyone else would like to take over the responsibilities of historian for the group.

Old Business: Ray reminded members that he is the cover and interior designer for Pen Women and that he welcomes new projects.

New Business: Diane reported that the Biennial for National in Washington D.C. has been postponed until April 29 – May 2, 2022. Diane proposed setting up a zoom meeting to wish Beverly Chico a happy 90th birthday. Diane will set up the meeting. Karen asked if anyone had managed to get their book consigned at Tattered Cover. Sydney said she had her book displayed in several places in the store. Karen will contact the owner to see if he might make a presentation to our branch.


Diane adjourned the meeting at 10:13 am.

Respectfully submitted by, Kay Taylor

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