June 4, 2022

NLAPW Denver Branch

June 4, 2022


President Linda Volin called the meeting to order at 10:37 am.

In attendance were Linda Volin, Atlanta Sheridan, Janet Geisz, Diane Chambers, Carol Ehrlich, Ray Cober, and guests, Aurora Umana-Arko and Aleta Kazadi.

Inspirational: In her absence, Linda read some interesting quotes Andrea Antico sent us for her inspirational message today on podcasting since that will be the topic of our presentation today.

May Minutes: There was one addition to the May minutes: Ann Klaiman asked that her name be added to the list of attendees. Diane then moved that the minutes be approved. Atlanta seconded and the minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: In Kelly Ann’s absence, Linda read the treasurer’s report: The balance as of 4/30/22 was $184.30. A deposit of $1860 from dues brought the balance up to $2044.30. After paying the allotted dues to National of $910.00 plus a processing fee of $15 and a $175 donation to Poetry-to-Go, the closing balance of 5/31/22 was reported at $184.30. Diane had a question regarding the balance, asking if the balance should be reflected at $944.30 and not $184.30.

Kelly Ann noted that we need to vote on transferring the Tapestry for Peace monies of $116.44 into our regular checking account, and to consider transferring the extra funds (about $50) from the savings account into our regular account. She is going to check with Westerra Credit Union to confirm that we only need to keep a $25 balance in our prime share (savings) account.

We moved to table the approval of the treasurer’s report until the next meeting, when Kelly Ann will be available to answer our questions about the bank balance and the transference of funds.

Ann thanked the branch for our donation to the Poetry-to-Go project.

Linda read a thank you note from The Columbine Poets of Colorado for the donation.

Zoom Master’s Report: Atlanta has corresponded with Virginia Small, our webmistress, regarding finding a work-around to the problem of accessing our Pro-Zoom account which requires a 2-step verification process which sends a verification code to Atlanta’s phone, which means only Atlanta can access it, and no other officers. The officers will have a meeting soon with Virginia to see if we can find a solution to this problem.

Membership: Diane reported that our guest, Aurora Umana-Arko is in the process of applying to become a member of our branch. Aleta Kazadi also expressed interest in joining. Diane said she had an additional guest, named Michele, contact her this week about attending, but Michele was unable to attend today. Diane is pleased with our growing numbers.

Historian’s Report: Diane reported that she and Janet Geisz, our new historian, will be meeting soon to talk about Janet’s new role.

Outreach; Tapestry for Peace: Ray reported that he is looking for an alternate venue to place the Tapestry panel that was to go to Pikes Peak Community College. He is now considering the Aurora History Museum, or Denver University. Janet reminded us that Wings Over the Rockies is another option. She suggested that Ray contact Chuck Stout, the curator there.

Programs: Linda reminded us that there will be no meeting in July. She said that we will have a workshop in August on a writing challenge to write a short piece in the style, voice, and tone of our favorite writer. Ann will head up the workshop. Ray gave a couple of ideas for workshops as well. Diane suggested he contact Karen with his ideas for future workshops,

Announcements: Carol Ehrlich announced that her poem, “Pain” was accepted for publication in the Human Touch Literary magazine. Linda announced that Karen Gonzales received a Biennial Letters Competition award of $70 for 2nd place in the Sandra Seaton Michel Middle School Book or Story competition.

Linda announced that the next National Pen Women’s zoom meeting will be June 9th. She will email the invitation to everyone. She also reminded everyone about the Intensive Critique group, if anyone was interested in joining it. Aurora and Aleta both expressed interest.

The meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m. and was followed by a presentation by Case Lane on “Podcasting.”

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Chambers

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