June 2, 2018

NLAPW— Denver Branch Minutes
June 2, 2018

I. Ruthy called the meeting to order at 10:18
II. Members in Attendance: Juliana Adams, Andrea Antico, Diane Chambers, Beverly Chico, Donna Clark, Kelly Ann Compton, Ruthy Wexler, Karen Gonzales, Kimberly Hamelin, Sue Luxa, Nancy Peterson, Virginia Small
III. Inspirational Reading: Ruthy read a “conversation” between Agnes D’Mille and Martha Graham conversation on creativity. Also talked of the relationship between Helen Keller and Martha Graham and Martha’s admiration of Helen’s creativity and her ability to understand the dance.
IV. Introduction of guests: Ray Coborn, Karen Zidwick, Alex Meza
V. No Minutes available.
VI. Treasurer Reports: March, April, and May TRs approved
VII. Committee Reports:
a. Website: The website is doing okay, Virginia is taking care of maintenance
b. Membership: No Report
c. Tapestry: Ruthy has emailed Joice F. regarding giving the FL school one of the panels, but she has not heard back from her yet. Sue is looking into a local church that might be interested. Ray may be a book buyer for the area where the FL school is. (Parkland)
VIII. Old business: Tapestry discussion is shelved until start of school
IX. New Business: Where to meet? Natural Grocers has meeting space on Colorado and Evans. Koebel. Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum (Ray C. suggested and will make an inquiry about it) Karen will speak with someone at DPL. Next month is 10:30 at Koebel. Nancy reminded us that we used to collect money ($1-2) to pay for the spaces.
a. Alexandra will run a writing workshop on writers block
b. July, everyone can bring what they are working on and have had published.
c. Diane brought up our need for an interpreter for Carolyn. We would need two interpreters each meeting. Could be up to $500 per Saturday, which we can’t pay. We need to discuss this with National, too. Beverly suggests that we perhaps discuss this with Virginia Campbell. (Kelly will contact her) Ray brought up the possibility of a speech to text connection with a laptop. The discussion needs to continue. How can we be inclusive? Ruthy talked about how NLAPW began as an outlet for women when women were not had no outlet, same with bringing in people with disabilities. Karen will speak with an interpreter she knows. Ruthy will contact Wofford. Ray tested out some free apps. For voice to text and was a bit successful.
X. Branch Announcements:
a. Karen Gonzeles sent her story to a The Almagre Review with hopes of it being published.
b. Virginia took a class in creating a grimoire. It gave her the idea of creating a specific grimoire known as a bestiary. She challenged herself to make a metaphorical beast a day for 30 days. She entered a pair of the beasts, the Yahafta and the Yakant, in a contest on a site called Doodle Addicts. She also intends to make it into a coloring book.
c. Ruthy announced that we have an opening or two for our Intensive Critique Group.
d. Andrea and Ruthy talked about a couple of articles Ruthy has written for The Glendale Cherry Creek Chronicle (www.glendalecherrycreek.com) and Ruthy is considering writing a book on the cheerleader scandal.
XI. Meeting adjourned at 11:18.

After the business meeting, we discussed how to harness the energy and talent of our group and planned for the next year.

A. What do we want the group to look like?
a. Energetic
b. Supportive of creativity
c. Learn our historic roots
B. Kay T. suggests:
a. Story teller Matthew Taylor on how to tell your story as a speaker
b. Programs that integrate our work
C. Nancy: We need to be supportive of each discipline to help us each improve in our work
D. Juliana: She met with Virginia Campbell in Washington D.C. at the Pen Arts Building and in talking with Virginia, Juliana is now more able to see the history of NLAPW. She suggests we have Virginia come talk to us to help our Denver Branch capture the spirit of who/where we are so we can meld the past and the present.
E. Kelly Ann: We need to learn how other branches cater to all three NLAPW classifications.
F. Publicity thoughts:
a. Ruthy: Write an article about NLAPW and the Denver Branch
b. Cathy: She has a huge “recruiting pot” in Windsor Gardens; How can we expand our focus to include music and art better?
c. Ruthy: Invite guest artists and have an activity; Perhaps an “image” activity led by Ruthy and Virginia; Nancy: we have traditionally held 2 meetings a year that focussed on art
d. Nancy: Have Laurel Becker as speaker, she has a new children’s book
e. Ruthy: We need more integrative speakers
f. Juliana & Diane: What can we learn from each other in this group?
g. Ruthy & Sue will partner up to find speakers on publishing
h. Karen: We need to get all our events posted on the website; have tables at book fairs
G. Calendar of speakers:
a. July: Share our work (Koebel Library)
b. August: Alex will lead a writer’s block workshop
c. September: Ask Virginia Campbell to present on “How does our history inform our present?:
d. October: Image—art/bookcovers (Ruthy & Virginia)
e. November: Social Media Panel
f. December: Potluck
g. January: Matthew Taylor, story teller
h. February: Social Media Part 2
i. March: TBD
j. April: Guest Critique
k. May: TBD

Respectfully Submitted,
Kelly Ann Compton, Secretary

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