January 8, 2022

National League of American Pen Women Denver

Meeting January 8, 2022 , 9:30-10:30a.m.


9:35 Diane called the meeting to order

9:40 – Andrea read an inspiration about 4 different kinds of memoirs

Diane related that Virginia wanted our bios and any questions we had about the website.

No budget was read because Kay Taylor was absent.

An historian is still needed for organizing history, scrapbooks, etc.

Our outreach work has decreased because of covid.

There are still 4 tapestries without a home. Ray said he would look into Pikes Peak Community College. It was suggested that members look for buildings with wide walls.

1 guest was introduced, Maria Ramirez

Cindy Massey reported that so many things are happening in our lives. Ray said he has an allergic reaction to stress.

Karen reported that we need presenters for 2022. Ray said he would do a presentation in Feb. on cover design and YA topics

Cindy completed a class on Amazon and has lots of info that she will share, along with ideas from members.

The guest critique was discussed. The decision was to postpone it for now and look at the possibility in early fall.

Old Business

Atlanta mentioned that we might get a small rebate from ZOOM because the company violated state and federal laws.

Linda said she is waiting for Ray to design the front and back covers of the book about members. He replied that he will get to it soon.

There was a discussion about the 100 flyers we have left. Diane will edit and revise them.

Contact Kelly Ann if you have questions about the directory.

New Business

There’ll be branch elections in February. Consider running or nominating someone. Cindy Massey will organize it

Provisional membership was discussed. Ray is one.

The national ballot and bios are in the winter magazine. There’s a new fiction/nonfiction editor.

The Pen Arts Building is hosting many activities.

National is reaching out to music networks and connections.


Ray was selected for placement on a panel in CO. Springs.

Karen’s mother passed away. The service will be this Friday.

The National Convention will be in DC in April. (4/29-5/1) Accommodations at the Darcy Hotel.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:30.

Paricial Raybon was introduced and gave an excellent presentation on memoirs.

Respectfully submitted by Andrea Antico

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