February 6, 2021

Minutes of the Denver Branch of the National League of American Pen Women

February 6, 2021

Members Present: Atlanta Sheridan, Ray Cober, Karen Gonzales, Kay Taylor, Kelly Ann Compton, Ann Klaiman, Andrea Antico, Carol Ehrlich, Linda Volin, Aimee Guerts, Diane Chambers, Beverly Chico, Laurel Becker, Sydney Popovich, Cindy Massey, Marie Kriss

Diane opened the virtual meeting on Zoom at 9:38 am.

Inspirational Reading: Andrea read an excerpt from Maya Angelou’s story, “Do You Love the Boy.” The story focused on the author, a single mother’s, delight and love in raising her child after having chosen to keep her baby rather than abort.

Introduction of Guests: Diane introduced Karen’s guest, Monica K.

Approval of Minutes: The members unanimously approved the January minutes.

Committee Reports:

Treasurer’s Report: Kelly Ann reported that there was one expense for the month -$50 for an honorarium to Anthony Powell in January. The balance in our account is $821.08.

Website Report: Diane reported that Virginia did not supply an official report but that she continues to maintain our website. Diane urged members to look at the website and notify Virginia of any needed changes.

Budget Report: No report was made.

Membership: Diane reminded members that they can invite guests to our meetings.

History: Aimee reported that she found information about a Pen Women song. She noted that she has not found a zip drive with pictures. Ann said she thinks such a drive exists because Virginia took many pictures of the group. Aimee plans to digitize the directories. When Beverly asked Aimee if she had gotten the Pen Women Denver branch archives stored at the Denver Central Library, Aimee replied that since the library has been closed to volunteers, she has not yet tried to retrieve the files. When the library is open, she will attempt to retrieve them. Laurel asked if the historical files would include a list of members’ publications. Aimee said she could include such a list as well as photos of the front covers of members’ books.

Outreach: Diane noted that she welcomes new ideas for outreach from members. Ray suggested that we contact a speaker’s program of the Denver Public Schools so that one of our members might offer students guidance on writing. Andrea said she has suggested to her storytelling classes that they might write their own stories. She donated copies of her two children’s books to her classes. Diane suggested that she would like someone to highlight the volunteer storytelling which Kay and Andrea perform in the DPS system. The Hub section of the post was suggested as a possible outlet for this and other branch publicity.

Sue commended Carol’s letter to the Editor in the Denver Post regarding the slogan “Defund the Police.” Carol’s editorial emphasized that the slogan should be renamed because it leads to misinterpretation of the true intent of “defunding.”

Programs: Diane mentioned that today’s speaker is Jennifer Wortman who will be discussing “Writing Short Stories and Essays You Can Sell.” Aimee will lead the impromptu writing session for the March meeting. It was suggested that members pair up and interview each other and then give a five minute report on each other for the May meeting.

Old Business: Atlanta reported the results of the poll of members and associate members to change the membership section of the bylaws of the National organization from “women” to “persons.” The vote was 7 ‘no’s’ and 5 yeses. Diane noted that thus far the majority of each branch has voted “no” on the proposed change. Atlanta reported that there are now two vacant slots in the Critique group if others are interested in joining.

New Business: Andrea has been in touch with Gwen, and Andrea will deliver a card and chocolates from the group to Gwen.

Diane adjourned the meeting at 10:27 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Kay Taylor

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