December 5, 2020

Minutes of the Denver Branch of the National League of Pen Women

December 5, 2020

Members Present: Atlanta Sheridan, Ray Cober, Karen Gonzales, Kay Taylor, Kelly Ann Compton, Ann Klaiman, Andrea Antico, Carol Ehrlich, Aimee Guerts, Diane Chambers, Sydney Popovich, Adrianna Voss, Cindy Massey, Julianna Murphy, A. Marie Kriss

Diane opened the meeting on Zoom at 9:37am.

Inspirational Reading: Andrea read three quotations on the meaning of hope in this holiday season. The writings were from the traditions of Christmas, Hanukka, and Kwanzaa.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes were approved by the membership.

Introduction of Guests: No guests were present.

Committee Reports:

Treasurer’s Report: Kelly Ann noted that the October Treasurer’s report was amended to reflect a difference of a cent making the total balance $791.08, not the previously recorded amount of $791.08. She also reported that the balance from the November Treasurer’s report is $1031.08. Ann moved to approve the reports and Kay seconded. The reports were unanimously approved by the membership.

Website: Virginia reported that she is working with a technical expert to fix an issue on the new website which should be ready to launch soon replacing the old website for our Branch.

Budget Report: Kay noted that we are on target to meet our projected budget income since the dues from two new members were collected in November.

Membership: Diane welcomed our four new members, Linda, Aimee, Adrianna and Sydney. They are also members of the intensive critique group. Because of the holiday party planned for the December meeting, Diane did not post a notice on Colorado Writers’ CafeMeet-ups to attract new members to this meeting. It was reported that Beverly Chico was recently in the hospital with health problems. Kelly Ann said that Beverly would appreciate cards or calls from members. Atlanta reported that she had a long phone conversation with Beverly recently and that Beverly seemed to be very appreciative. Julianna volunteered to stop by Beverly’s home and drop off a basket of goodies from the group. Similarly Andrea offered to drop off a basket to Gwen’s house from all of us.

Historian: Aimee is securing historical files of our group from Diane. She has learned to use the snipping tool on Zoom to take pictures of members in their ugly holiday sweaters. Kelly Ann will get past Treasurer’s reports to Aimee to put in the files. Diane echoed the group’s excitement about Aimee assuming the role of Historian.

Outreach: Diane has been in contact with Jayden and Kevin at DSA which is still not open for in person learning. She is hopeful they can receive the Tapestry panel sometime in the spring if DSA reopens.

Diane said she will drop the Tapestry panel for Salida High School off at Ann’s this week.

Programs: Kay reminded members about viewing a Stories On Stage (SOS) production either on the website, or by buying a ticket to the Dec. 13th show. Anthony Powell, the artistic director of SOS will be our presenter at our January 9th meeting. In February Randy Abel, will make a presentation to our branch on finding and working with an editor. Diane asked members to forward to her any ideas for presenters or activities for meetings in March, April and May.

Old Business: Carol reported that she had written reviews for several works in the National Pen women magazine. Diane explained to new members about the Annual Guest Critique usually held in April. There was some discussion about the merits of holding the critiques on Zoom but Atlanta pointed out that the social connections that happen during lunch would be lost. Karen also noted that probably only four critiques could be completed during the longer Zoom meeting which would have to be held. Ann suggested that perhaps more folks could attend on Zoom than could attend in person. Atlanta proposed that we hold an in-person Guest Critique later in the year.

New Business: Diane asked if members had read her e-mail from the branch presidents in Hawaii and Iowa about the proposed change to admit men to the National Organization. Most of the members had read the e-mail.

A long discussion among the membership followed. Considerations discussed included:

  • older members in the branches being more hesitant to accept men
  • what would attract men to join Pen Women if the focus is on promoting female writers
  • to what extent the need for increasing membership is driving the desire to recruit men
  • if the term “Pen” in our title is antiquated
  • what effect admitting men might have on the group getting grants designated for minority or diverse groups
  • whether or not to widen admission to transgender men and non-binary persons
  • whether or not to let each branch independently decide to admit men
  • that younger artists use Instagram, blogs and other avenues to promote their work and may not need an organization such as Pen Women

Members agreed that more discussion is needed. Discussion will continue at the January meeting.

Diane agreed to send an e-mail to the members asking them to consider three questions:

  • What is the focus of Pen Women and has it changed?
  • Should we change the name of the group?
  • What is our purpose?

Announcements: Karen noted that the Denver Women’s Press Club nominates a Colorado author to the Colorado Hall of Fame every other year. The story of the selected author must take place in Colorado. Karen will send an e-mail to members about the contest.

Sydney announced that “The Arden,” a sci-fi focused children’s book authored by Sydney and her husband, will come out in April. People can contact her for a PDF copy if they would like to write a review. The book is now up for pre-sale.

Diane adjourned the meeting at 10:51am.

Respectfully submitted by,

Kay Taylor

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