July 9, 2016

National League of American Pen Women–Denver Branch

Meeting Minutes

July 9, 2016

I. Ruthy Wexler called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m.

II. Members in attendance were: Laurel Becker, Diane Chambers, Beverly Chico, Kelly AnnCompton, Ruthy Wexler, Marie Kriss, Juanita Pope, Virginia Small, Mary Waites Joyner

III. Inspirational Reading: Juanita read an excerpt from The President’s Devotional by Joshua Dubois on leadership.

IV. The Minutes for June were approved.

V. The June Treasurer Report was approved. The current balance is

VI. Committee Reports:

A. Website: Virginia reported that the website is going well. We are to let her know of events so she can get them on the calendar.

B. Tapestry: Ruthy updated us on the Tapestry contest and is writing an article on the contest for Pen Woman Magazine. The IB Schools conference begins on July 18, 2016 and our Branch will be introducing the Tapestry for Peace to the students on that date. On August 23, we need to get the Tapestry out of Mackintosh Gym. We will need to purchase boxes to store each Tapestry section individually, ready for shipping. The schools that “win” a section of the Tapestry, will be responsible for shipping charges.

C. Membership/Auditor/Budget: Kriss is handing over the reigns of her various duties to other members as she will be moving out of the area. The Budget will be taken over by Kay and membership duties will be taken over by Juanita.

D. Outreach: No reports

VII. Old Business:

A. We sent a donation check of $100.00 to Karen Lausa for Words Beyond Bars.

VIII. New Business:

A. Committee jobs were officially transferred. Juanita will take over Membership, the Directory, and our annual Guest Critique; Kay will assume the jobs of Auditor and Budget.

B. Please send cards to our members who are ill: Jody Glittenberg and Pat Kennedy..

VIII. Announcements:

A. Beverly has twelve talks coming up and is interested in doing more, if anyone knows of a venue.

B. Mary Waits-Joyner is moving to Houston, so will be transferring her membership.

C. Ruthy attended a writers conference in Nashville and has an agent interested in her book!

IX. The meeting was adjourned at 11:07.

Polly Letofsky spoke about self-publishing and her company My Word Publishing.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Ann Compton

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