September, 2012

National League of American Pen Women–Denver Branch
Meeting Minutes
September 8, 2012

I. Diane Chambers called the meeting to order at 10:23 AM.
II. Members in attendance were: Laurel Becker, Jane Binns, Diane chambers, Kelly Ann Compton, Florence Elliott, Joice Fairchild, Pat Kennedy, Marie Kriss, Sue Luxa, Dorothy Donovan, and Virginia Small. Also in attendance was Carol Denker who plans to apply for membership. Welcome Carol! Many thanks to Pat for hosting in her beautiful home, and for the hospitality and goodies.
III. There was no inspirational reading today as Lorrie Reed was unable to attend.
IV. Everyone introduced herself.
V. The June 2012 Minutes were approved as written.
VI. Kelly Ann shared the Treasurer’s Reports for the summer months. We began June with a balance of $1695.79 and ended August with a balance of $2,433.55. The balance increase is mostly from collected annual dues and new member fees. Expenses included membership fees to the NLAPW national branch, some website fees and costs for participating in the Woodland Park Fine Arts and Crafts Festival attended in August. The Treasurer’s Reports were accepted.
VII. Committee Reports
a. Audit/Budget—Kriss reviewed the rough draft of the 2012-13 proposed budget.
i. She encouraged members to let other groups know about the projector we have available for rent. Kriss requested we send names of groups with contact information to her. Groups normally need to pick up the projector from Kelly Ann. It was suggested that if a group wants the projector delivered, a delivery charge should be added.
ii. In order for the budget to be completed, Kriss needs to know the following:
1. Where our meetings will be held (Members’ homes or a place that requires rent.)
2. Reimbursement for goodies
3. Number of fairs/exhibits we will be involved in
4. We need to decide on whether or not to hold a guest critique session next March.
5. Do we need to purchase more brochures and flyers? (Diane says no.)
6. What this year’s website costs will be.
7. Anticipated number of guest speakers (to estimate speaker fees)
iii. A vote showed that people enjoy meeting in members’ homes, so we will continue doing so for now, keeping in mind that Bear Valley Library has meeting rooms available (we would need to reserve a room in advance) for a fee.
b. Program—Sue L. reminded us that Sue Scudder or her publisher would be our speaker in October. Our October meeting will be held at Carol Denker’s home. We will meet at 9:00 AM for critiques and the business meeting will begin at 10:00 AM.
c. Membership— Kriss shared that National has a new student membership category. Students must be enrolled in a writing program at a college or university. Discussion on how we should offer student membership resulted in a decision that students may choose to belong at the National level for $35.00 (National dues and processing fee) + $10.00 (Branch dues) for a total of $45.00 OR may join our Provisional level only for $30.00.
d. Publicity—Kriss suggested we publicize ourselves in Your Hub. Sue L. agreed saying that she has submitted posting to Your Hub in the past, but is not aware if they were published. Kriss will call Sue with information on this.
VIII. Outreach Project Updates
a. Bessie’s Hope: Due to staff changes at St. Andrew’s Village and life events, Kelly Ann has not been able to volunteer there this summer. It is hoped that she will be able to begin volunteering again in October.
b. Woodland Park Artists’ Festival: Sue. L., Diane, and Kelly Ann attended the August 18 fair and had a good time. A few sales of books and crocheted hats were made. Kelly Ann is working on a write-up for our website to go with some pictures of the event.
c. Place Bridge Academy: No report as the members involved were unable to attend today’s meeting.
IX. Old Business: None
X. New Business:
a. The meeting space at Bear Valley Public Library is available again, though they are booked until January 2013.
b. Revised Bylaws and Standing Rules by National updated membership applications, including student applications. (See our Branch’s decision regarding student membership above under Committees: Membership)
c. The Greenwich, CT branch of NLAPW is sponsoring a poetry contest. This announcement had the group wondering if our branch could sponsor a poetry contest. Discussion as to when included April 2013, possibly instead of our guest critique meeting, or having a contest next fall. Carol D. Offered to be one of the members of the committee to look into this. It was suggested that perhaps Ann Klaiman might be interested in being on the committee, too. The Poetry Contest committee will work with our Program Committee on this. A general consensus was that our branch would start with a local contest, possibly open to non-members and members alike and then possibly hosting a national contest later on.
XI. Branch Announcements:
a. Our next meeting will be held at Carol Denker’s home on Saturday, October 6. Her address and other information will be forthcoming in future emails to members.
b. Members: Please email or call Kelly Ann as soon as possible if you would like to have a piece critiqued at our October meeting. Both slots are open.
XII. The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 AM.

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